Have you ever been in a thorny situation? No matter how you try to get yourself out of it, you’re just sure that thorn’s coming up. I’m making it sound too poetic, aren’t I? Well I got myself into a huge thorny situation earlier today when an idea sparked in a cloud above my head as I passed by my grandma’s gardener throwing out the excess branches from old trees. I’ve been wanting to find something interesting for that corner in my room, something with a little bit of height to it. That’s when i decided to experiment and asked him to leave out a few branches on the side for me.
well obviously our branches don’t blossom around this side of the world,sadly. But you get the idea.
So I got started. I picked out the right size and color of branches, shed off the leaves and cut out the excess side branches. If you ever try this, make sure you wear gloves as it is a very thorny situation.
I brought out a few vases to fit them in. I found the one with the wider opening carried more and gave them a more natural drop. We then washed them out to bring out the beautiful natural reddish wood color. I left them out for a while to dry.
meanwhile, I went out to Sia and grabbed a few artificial flowers. How I wish our climate allowed us to grow lovely hydrangeas and colorful roses in our gardens to decorate vases with on a daily basis. But for now, faux flowers will do the job.
I picked an odd count of three roses and just a little shrub to finish it off. I think I might need another shrub for the other end to give it a complete look.
lit up my diptyque candle and enjoyed the view.
Recommended if you’ve got some extra time on your hands and a corner to fill.
images via the much missed dominomag, ahamodernliving.