Saturday, December 4, 2010

1953 style revived

A few days ago, I watched Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell’s Gentlemen prefer blondes for the first time. Dorothy and Lorelei and their adventure was just hilarious.
What I loved about the movie most however was there fabulous sense of style. I just love how feminine and classy fashion was during that era of time. Although the movie was originally black and white I’m assuming someone must have colored the movie and so the dress colors are not so accurate. Still however, I was in love.

costumetestarchives-20090704104034-animalprintest-original  3

This was my favorite costume of all. I just love how the scarf is tied around her shoulders and extends all the way to the back. I couldn’t find a picture of the costume from the back, but that scarf height is just lovely.

 Gentleman_prefer_blondes2 Gentlemen_Prefer_Blondes_Movie_Trailer_Screenshot_17
This color is just so luscious i love it.I definitely intend to add this periwinkle-ish color to my wardrobe. I love how simple the dress is with the twist that the color gives it.
'I just love finding new places to wear diamonds': Lorelei (Marilyn Monroe) tries on a tiara.
Gentlemen-Prefer-Blondes-gentlemen-prefer-blondes-11081105-940-705 Gentlemen_Prefer_Blondes_Movie_Trailer_Screenshot_(25)
‘You know I think you're the only girl in the world who can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket.’ Dorothy (Jane Russell)

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