Wednesday, June 9, 2010

before i take off

My mind gets all jumbled up the days before I leave for my summer vacation. I remind myself every day that
packing ahead is essential in order not to forget anything behind, but always end up leaving it to the last day.
This time I must stick to my plan though. Summer packing is fun and light, unlike heavy winter clothing. Sun
dresses and light airy tops paired with colorful flats and pretty belts. As hot as it is, I love summer. It’s got the
power to cheer you up every morning with it’s lovely bright sun. 3707702064_b30c670aea 
So this time i’m keeping myself under self-observation to pack light and only essential things. This is an art I
must learn to master. I’m super excited mr.H is joining us this summer! Here’s me making new plans everyday!!
So I bid you adieu, until i arrive at my destination.

Have a great summer vacation! x 

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